Empire Builders Masterclass

Write and Publish Your Book This Year

Learn to write, self-publish, market, and monetize your book like a professional with industry leader, Honorée Corder. This program teaches you how to craft, self-publish, market, and monetize a best-selling book.

  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Save $500
  • Checklists, templates, guides and more

What You Will Learn in the Author Success Bundle

This program provides a complete book writing, self-publishing, marketing, and monetization training solution. You get all three courses in one, comprehensive discounted program.


Publishing Ph.D.

Publishing Ph.D. is a comprehensive course, designed and delivered by 53-time best-selling author Honoree Corder. Let her take you step by step through the process of writing, editing, publishing, launching, and marketing your book!

Value: $999.00 Included!

Book Marketing Mastery

This program will teach you step-by-step on how to market and sell your nonfiction book as well as get more sales and clients, faster and easier than you’ve ever thought possible.

Value: $999.00 Included!

Building a Million Dollar Book Business

This video-based program will teach you how to turn your book, education, experience, and expertise into more than a dozen six- and seven-figure income streams.

Value: $999.00 Included!

Take Advantage of Our Biggest Best Bundle to Write and Publish Your Book This Year!

Write and Publish Your Book

The process of owning a successful book business starts with writing and publishing the book! The first course of the series, Publishing Ph.D., teaches you the tactics for:

  • Crafting your book
  • Writing your book
  • Publishing like a pro
  • Pre-launching your book
  • Launching successfully
  • How to stay on top of Amazon success
  • Key elements to long-term author success 

Market Your Book

Once you've published your book, the real fun begins! If you don’t sell any books, you won’t make an impact or a dime. Writing the book will have been a waste of time and money. It will sell a handful of copies, then get put on your bookshelf and you’ll move on with your life.

That would be a bummer.

Your book should be making an impact and making you an income!

But if you don’t know how to market your book and market with your book, you’re going to miss out on that impact and the income.  

Think of it this way: a book at rest is money at rest. A book in motion is money in motion.

It is time to master book marketing. In this course, you'll learn:

  • What is Book Marketing? Learn what book marketing is (and isn’t).
  • Book Marketing Mindset: All book sales begin in your mind. Learn how to focus and win the game of book marketing in your mind first. (Value: $Unknown but a lot!)
  • Where to Begin: The Quality Book Basics are the first, best, and only place to start (and the Four Cornerstones of a Professionally Published Book). 
  • Strategic Thinking: You’ll learn how to think strategically and execute an effective, long-term book marketing plan for amazing success.
  • Create Your Book Marketing Matrix: Learn my time-tested strategy for designing a Book MAP (Marketing Action Plan) based on the best strategies for your book. (Value: $500)
  • The 80/20 Rule of Book Marketing: Learn my powerful rule for long-term successful engagement with prospective readers. (Value: $10,000+)
  • The BEST Book Marketing Strategies … so you can attract book sales, rather than recruiting or forcing them.
  • Your Avatar (Ideal Reader) is Everything: Effective book marketing means focusing solely on the ideal reader for your book. You’ll learn creative ways to get your book in front of them.
  • Build Your Bench: How to develop long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with other authors.
  • Email List-Building: How to make the most of your email list (and how to build one if you don’t have one). (Value: $1,500)
  • Book Marketing Tools & Resources: The platforms, apps, and other tools you can use to share about and sell your book. (Value: $5,000)
  • Short–, Mid-, and Long-Term Marketing Strategies: Your book isn’t an avocado—it won’t go “bad” (unless it is a specific type of book…think: Your 2020 Guide to Job Seeking). You’ll learn how to add time-sensitive parameters to your marketing. (Value: $10,000+)
  • Marketing with Your Book: You can use your book to market your business, and I’m going to teach you exactly how to do it! (Value: $1,000+++)
  • Evaluating and Updating Your Book Marketing Strategy and Plan: How to do a regular analysis and make updates to your overall strategy and planning so your book sales continue to grow over time (instead of decreasing or stopping altogether).
  • Amazon Exclusivity or Going Wide-for-the-Win? How to determine whether your book should be solely on Amazon or on every retail sales platform (including what they are and how to distribute them).
  • Bulk Book & Custom Bulk Book Selling. Why sell one when you can sell tens of thousands? Learn how to sell books in quantity, including bulk. (Value: $1,000+++)
  • Creative ways to sell more books: There are an endless number of ways to sell your books for high profit. I will teach you how to identify these opportunities.
  • Your Book Marketing Team: Who you need on your team to build a book empire.
  • And finally, the Best Book Marketing Strategy Ever: And yes, it works like a charm!

Total Value:  $29,000+++. This estimate is conservative simply because there’s no way to know how much a positive mindset, effective engagement with prospective readers, other authors, or probable purchasers could possibly be…and it’s definitely many multiples of the investment of this course!

You will also receive access to:

  • My Book Marketing Plan and Book Marketing Matrix templates to customize
  • Legal Agreements for quantity and bulk sales (I invested thousands of dollars with my attorney for them)
  • Templates
  • Manuals
  • Checklists
  • Professional resources for collateral materials
  • …and more!

Building a Million Dollar Book Business

Inside of Building a Million Dollar Book Business, you will learn:

Foundation: The mindset and out-of-the-box thinking required to build a book empire.

Where to start: There are simple revenue streams that can be added to almost any book or series.

4 C’s #1 – Coaching: The different types of coaching you can develop along with all of the procedures, agreements, and collateral material needed.

4 C’s #2 – Courses: How to develop your book and core knowledge into virtual and live courses to increase the value provided and ongoing revenue.

4 C’s #3 – Consulting: Your book will bring people and companies that will want to hire you to share your expertise with them.

4 C’s #4 – Certifications: Develop specific training that will help other people increase the revenue of their businesses.

Speaking: How to market your speaking services, engaging a speaker’s bureau, and maximizing your revenue through in-person and online speaking.

Training: How to develop your book content and knowledge into curriculum for companies, conferences, and organizations.

Turn your book into a series: Develop a book into a series that can increase the revenue exponentially. I will share different types of series, release strategies, engaging experts as co-authors, along with all of the processes.

Selling in bulk: How to sell 100-25,000 copies of your book and to whom.

White-labeling or custom printing: Your book can help companies grow their businesses. This is a very high margin way of selling your books.

Multiple Formats: Options for selling your book in digital formats and creative ways to make increase revenue from very little work or effort.

Creative ways to sell more books: There are an endless number of ways to sell your books for high profit. I will teach you how to identify these opportunities.

Networking: The basic, easy skills you need to create relationships that will help you launch your income streams.

Your Empire’s Team: Who you need on your team to build a book empire.

You will also receive access to:

  • Legal Agreements for partnerships, setting up companies, and certifications (I’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars just for these alone).
  • Client Agreements (more legal fees).
  • Manuals.
  • Checklists.
  • Professional resources for cover design, editing, legal services, etc.
  • …and more!

Save $500 on the Author Success Bundle

This is your opportunity to save $500 on this amazing course bundle. This is the complete book writing, self-publishing, marketing, and monetization training solution.


Publishing Ph.D.

Publishing Ph.D. is a comprehensive course, designed and delivered by 53-time best-selling author Honoree Corder. Let her take you step by step through the process of writing, editing, publishing, launching, and marketing your book!

Value: $999.00 Included!

Book Marketing Mastery

This program will teach you step-by-step on how to market and sell your nonfiction book as well as get more sales and clients, faster and easier than you’ve ever thought possible.

Value: $999.00 Included!

Building a Million Dollar Book Business

This video-based program will teach you how to turn your book, education, experience, and expertise into more than a dozen six- and seven-figure income streams.

Value: $999.00 Included!

Empire Builders Masterclass

Enroll Today and Write and Publish Your Book!

Save $500 on your enrollment with this special bundle.

Single purchase price.


Monthly Payment Plan

$249 x 12 Monthly Payments

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