Commit To Achieve Your Best In Life and Business


You have landed on this page because you want things to be different.

You want more from areas of your life and business.

You want to learn how to get what you want, how to feel great and how to achieve anything you dream of.

Well, it's time to celebrate because I wrote this course for you and I already know you are my type of person.

You want change and I am going to teach you how to commit to all you want to achieve.

How to increase your health, happiness and of course, your business success.

"You can achieve anything when you learn to commit"

Let me help you commit to achieving your best in your life and business.

This course covers my Commit to Achieve Principles.  I walk you through all the things I do to achieve anything I want in my life and business.

Over the last 20 years, I have used the same principles to start multiple businesses, from bricks and mortar to online.  I have structured a business that I love. I work the hours I want to work and I go on holiday a lot.  I used it to give me the strength to battle a cancer diagnosis and months of weekly chemotherapy. 

These are the principles that have helped me to commit to achieving all that I want. 

✔️ Five key modules for you to go through. 

✔️ Access to course learning materials including PDF downloads with templates, challenges and lists.

My rock bottom

During the early days of running my first business, I was struggling. I was newly divorced, two young children and not a penny in divorce settlement or child maintenance. I had a bucket of water instead of a fridge and an old microwave a friend had given me to cook with. My kids were sleeping on blow up beds. It was hard to get clients and make enough money to cover my rent and bills, let alone all the things the kids needed. I was desperate and alone.

I loved working in my business but I was using "sit,wait and hope" method of marketing, I sat around, waiting and hoping that I would make a sale. Not surprisingly hoping was not a good business decision. I had no idea what I should be doing until finally I sought advice from coaches to help and guide me.

Needing to make money, I focused on my own health and wellbeing as I knew it would make running my own business easier. I had the greatest motivator, two children who needed me to pay the bills and keep a roof over their heads. I worked on my mindset and self belief getting stronger in my self worth every day. I did, courses, employed mentors and learnt marketing methods that got me results. The icing on the cake was learning to be effective in my actions. No more being busy being busy. Instead I learnt how to do more in less time.

I worked my way up from rock bottom. I learnt how to commit to achieve anything I wanted. I focused on the key principles that made me feel good, helped me do more and essentially gave me a happy life and thriving business.

If I can do it so can you. Anything is possible if you want it enough and you are prepared to take the effective action needed.

This course has been written to give you the know how, motivation and belief that you can do it too.

Helen x

Commit To Achieve Principles

This course is based around my


Things you can do to turn your dreams into reality. The true key to your business success is commitment. When you learn to commit, you raise your chances of success tenfold. It's not rocket science, just simple things you do to ensure your success.

Course curriculum

    1. Module 1 Intro

    2. Care of Self

    3. Module 1 Outro

    4. HB Daily Routine

    5. HB Journal Prompts

    6. HB Affirmation Checklist

    7. Module 1 Care of Self (Text Content)

    1. Module 2 Intro

    2. Know Your Why

    3. Module 2 Outro

    4. Module 2 Identify Your Why Worksheet

    5. Module 2 Goal Targets Action Worksheet

    6. Module 2 Know Your Why (Text Content)

    1. Mod 3 Intro

    2. Release Beliefs

    3. Module 3 Outro

    4. Module 3 Acknowledge Your Brilliance Task Worksheet

    5. Module 3 Money Affirmation Worksheet

    6. Module 3 Money Mindset Workseet

    7. Module 3 Release Your Limiting Beliefs (Text Content)

    1. Module 4 Intro

    2. Understand How

    3. Module 4 Outro

    4. Module 4 Content Creation Worksheet

    5. Module 4 Customer Service Plan Worksheet

    6. Module 4 Understand How (Text Content)

    1. Module 5 Intro

    2. Take Effective Action

    3. Module 5 Outro

    4. Module 5 Daily Planner Worksheet

    5. Module 5 Map Out Your Working Week Worksheet

    6. Module 5 Take Effective Action (Text Content)

About this course

  • 35 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 3-Program Options (solo, group coaching, or 1-2-1 coaching)

Meet Your Instructor, Helen

Helen Bullen

Business Coach, Entrepreneur

I am known for my honest and straight-talking style of mentoring combined with empathy and understanding. “Kindly Blunt” and “Kick-butt motivator” are common ways to describe me. I am a kindly blunt cheerleader of all small business owners. I am also a retired Osteopath and former owner of a successful Multi-healthcare bricks and mortar clinic. I run an online business mentoring membership called Helen’s Business Club and hold retreats in both the UK and abroad. My previous work as a qualified lecturer led me to many senior teaching roles both in the UK and Europe. Over the years I have won multiple awards for both my clinic business and my business acumen. I am also the co-founder of The Stationery Box Company, a luxury stationery subscription box for female entrepreneurs. My experience of single-handily building a brick and mortar business from scratch means I have firsthand experience as a successful business owner. I have undertaken extensive further training in business management training to increase my knowledge of modern-day marketing and I continue to keep updated. New in 2021, I started my Mastermind group HBInspired. This is a group of motivated business owners all working closely with me as their business mentor. HBInspired is by application only. To apply please email me [email protected]

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