Is your book actually making you money?

Is your book actually making you money?

You put your heart, soul, time, and money into your book.  

Unfortunately, it is not earning you royalties or bringing in the business you thought it would. The vision you had for your book, the picture in your head, has simply not come to fruition.

Or maybe you’re currently working on a book — everybody says you should write a book! — but have no plan of how it’s going to bring in business. 

Maybe your friends and family say you can’t make money from a book.

Then you do the math and realize the odds of you making back the money you’ve spent publishing your book from book sales alone is really low.

Or non-existent.

Let’s face it: if you’re going to spend — conservatively — a hundred hours doing something to make money, shouldn’t you actually make money? 

But you also didn’t just write your book to make money.

You wrote a book to help people. You know the more people that read your book, the better off they will be. But if you can’t get the book out into the world, it’s not going to help those people or help your business.

You know you need to “market your book” and “market with your book” but you have no idea how to actually do either of those effectively.

And if this keeps going, it's only going to get worse.

Writing the book will have been a waste of time and money. It will sell a handful of copies, then get put on your bookshelf and you’ll move on with your life.  

Instead of getting your message out to the world, it’s going to languish in obscurity. 

You’re an expert–you have knowledge and training and education and expertise — and you’ve poured it into your book because you know if someone will just read it (or recognize you’re the expert who can help them), the world will be a better place.  

You win, they win, the world wins.  

THAT is what your book should be doing.  

But if you don’t know how to actually use your book to build a business, you’re going to leave millions of dollars on the table that you could have made.  

Literally millions. Maybe tens of millions. 


I almost made this same mistake

My name is Honorée Corder and back in 2014, If Divorce is a Game, These are the Rules.

The problem is, it wasn’t selling.

My name is Honorée Corder and back in 2014, I wrote If Divorce is a Game, These are the Rules.

The problem is, it wasn’t selling. 

I thought the title was clever and readers of my previous book series, The Successful Single Mom, would love it.  

Somewhere I read an article about white-labeling products and I wondered if this would work for books. 

I employed this strategy for approaching service providers (attorneys, certified divorce financial advisors, divorce coaches, and conference booksellers) to see if they would be interested.  

Immediately, a divorce attorney ordered 250 copies, and then a week later 500 with a custom printed gold starburst seal.  

This really got my mind working. What else could I do with my books? 

Here are just 3 examples of what I figured out:  

Ex. 1: I created a Certification for the SMTP (Single Mom Transformation Program). I sold the Certification for $5000 to CFDAs and divorce attorneys, plus they all ordered white-labeled copies of the books. I’ve sold over 70,000 copies of the single mom books (6 in the series) and 33,000 divorce books at between $6.50 and $12/book, grossing over $1M just from those 7 books alone. 

Ex. 2: Divorce attorney requested a If Divorce coaching program, so I created the DTCP (Divorce Transformation Coaching Program — this has a Manual for the Divorce Coaches and one for the participants), created a $1500 certification for Divorce Coaches (there are 15 DTCP coaches around the world) and helped sell over 10,000 copies of the book. 

Ex. 3: A divorce attorney wanted 10,000 single mom books but also wanted 10,000 single dad books (wasn’t written, so I wrote it in a weekend and sold 20,000 books on their first order and they re-order about every 4 years). Here’s what’s crazy!  

Back when I first launched The Successful Single Mom I had no idea how to properly launch and market a book so it never really sold well. Even so, all of the above happened around this book series!  

I went on to write The Divorced Phoenix which has sold about 30,000 copies. I had written The Successful Single Mom but stopped there because someone told me “books were dead”. I listened (for a couple of years).  

But as the SMTP kept attracting participants and my blog readership and list grew, I realized (a) those people were wrong and (b) I knew I needed to write the other books. So I started writing new books and adding them to The Successful Single Mom series  

Now, that series has made another $100K conservatively in just organic book sales.  

All told, I’ve sold just shy of 2 million books, from which I have made several million dollars, and in addition, have turned the content of those books into many multiple streams of income and earned many millions more. 

But let’s be honest. This could all be a fluke, right?

These are just my books around a really narrow topic. 

I wanted to see if this would work for other people in completely different genres.      

So I partnered with Hal Elrod to create The Miracle Morning series and it has earned us over $300,000 in book sales (ebook, paperback, hardcover, audiobook, and foreign translations). That's not counting conferences, consulting, speaking, and other revenue streams that have come as a result of the series.

I've also taught many other authors how to apply this to their own books and seen them create revenue streams that have added six and seven figures to their bottom lines.

These are just my books around a really narrow topic.

I wanted to see if this would work for other people in completely different genres.

So I partnered with Hal Elrod to create The Miracle Morning series, and it has earned us over $300,000 in book sales (ebook, paperback, hardcover, audiobook, and foreign translations). That’s not counting conferences, consulting, speaking, and other revenue streams that have come as a result of the series.

I’ve also taught many other authors how to apply this to their own books and seen them create revenue streams that have added six and seven figures to their bottom lines.

And now, for the first time ever, I am going to share everything I know about building a book empire and multiple streams of income from your expertise and knowledge.


Building a Million Dollar Book Business

This is the only video-based program that will teach you step-by-step on how to take your book and turn it into a highly profitable business.

Inside of Building a Million Dollar Book Business, you will learn:

Foundation: The mindset and out-of-the-box thinking required to build a book empire.

Where to start: There are simple revenue streams that can be added to almost any book or series.

4 C’s #1 - Coaching: The different types of coaching you can develop along with all of the procedures, agreements, and collateral material needed.

4 C’s #2 - Courses: How to develop your book and core knowledge into virtual and live courses to increase the value provided and ongoing revenue.

4 C’s #3 - Consulting: Your book will bring people and companies that will want to hire you to share your expertise with them.

4 C’s #4 - Certifications: Develop specific training that will help other people increase the revenue of their businesses.

Speaking: How to market your speaking services, engaging a speaker’s bureau, and maximizing your revenue through in-person and online speaking.

Training: How to develop your book content and knowledge into curriculum for companies, conferences, and organizations.

Turn your book into a series: Develop a book into a series that can increase the revenue exponentially. I will share different types of series, release strategies, engaging experts as co-authors, along with all of the processes.

Selling in bulk: How to sell 100-25,000 copies of your book and to whom.

White-labeling or custom printing: Your book can help companies grow their businesses. This is a very high margin way of selling your books.

Multiple Formats: Options for selling your book in digital formats and creative ways to make increase revenue from very little work or effort.

Creative ways to sell more books: There are an endless number of ways to sell your books for high profit. I will teach you how to identify these opportunities.

Networking: The basic, easy skills you need to create relationships that will help you launch your income streams.

Your Empire’s Team: Who you need on your team to build a book empire.

You will also receive access to:

  • Legal Agreements for partnerships, setting up companies, and certifications (I've paid tens of thousands of dollars just for these alone).
  • Client Agreements (more legal fees).
  • Manuals.
  • Checklists.
  • Professional resources for cover design, editing, legal services, etc.
  • ...and more!

PLUS:   Monthly Q&A with Honorée Corder

How it Works

When you join now, you will get immediate access to Building a Million Dollar Book Business.

This includes

  • Bite sized, step-by-step hi-definition videos (65+ lessons) with my exact processes and procedures.
  • Monthly Live Q&As where you can get your questions answered and stay on track.
  • Everything is mobile optimized and includes downloadable audio so you can do it on the go.
  • PDF contracts, manuals, checklists, processed, and procedure—and so much more (all downloadable) so you can consistently (year-in-and-year-out) create new streams of income in record time.
  • Designed to be fun and informative—so you get the most out of it and enjoy the process!


Join Building a Million Dollar Book Business

Invest in the program that gives tremendous value for serious authorpreneurs.

What is next for your book?

If you want your book to reach its full potential and help your business grow beyond what you thought was possible, take this opportunity to join the beta of Building a Million Dollar Book Business.

10x and 1-year Money-Back Guarantee

The short version: If you don't make at least 10x what you invest in this program within 12 months, I want you to ask for your money back.  

The reason I can give such a strong guarantee is because I know the Building a Million Dollar Book Business system works.  

It isn’t something I dreamed up one day and started selling as a nice idea.  

This is the exact step-by-step system I’ve used over and over to build books into a 7-figure income. 

But if you go through and implement Building a Million Dollar Book Business and it doesn't work for you, I want you to reach out to me so I can hear from you why it hasn't worked for you, and I will give you a full refund.

Join Building a Million Dollar Book Business

When you join Building a Million Dollar Book Business you get access to the full course including:  

  • 65+ lessons HD video. All accessible in our easy-to-use, fully mobile optimized custom learning platform.
  • Monthly Live Q&A with Honorée Corder. Get your book business questions answered every month. Even if you can't make it live, you can submit your questions ahead of time and Honorée will answer every one every month.
  • Example Agreements. Honorée has spent tens of thousands of dollars with her lawyer creating various business agreements and she makes these available to you inside of the program.
  • Example Proposals. The exact proposals Honorée has used to close multiple six figure deals in her businesses.  
  • Tools and Resources. Don't get stuck with the technology. Honorée shares her favorite services and companies she uses in her business.
  • (13) 7-figure Tracks. Honorée has identified and personally implemented thirteen different ways you can build a business off your book that makes 7-figures.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Mindset

    3. 4 Cornerstones of a Professional Book

    4. Where to Start

    5. The Framework

    6. Leveraged vs Unleveraged

    7. Before you go to Module 2...

    1. Where to Start

    2. Pricing and Timing

    3. Moving Forward

    4. Before you go to Module 3...

    1. Introduction and 1-on-1

    2. Group Coaching

    3. Corporate Coaching

    4. Business of Coaching

    5. Final Word

    6. Coaching Resources and Downloads

    7. Before you go to Module 4...

    1. Introduction and Recorded Courses

    2. Live Group Courses

    3. Video Courses

    4. Business of Courses

    5. Final Word

    6. Courses Resources and Downloads

    7. Before you go to Module 5...

    1. Introduction

    2. 1-on-1 Consulting

    3. Organizational Consulting

    4. The Business of Consulting

    5. Consulting Resources and Downloads

    6. Before you go to Module 6...

    1. Introduction

    2. Tips to Make it Great

    3. The Business of Certification

    4. Certification Downloads and Resources

    5. Before you go to Module 7...

About this course

  • $999.00
  • 83 lessons

Join Building a Million Dollar Book Business

Invest in the program that gives tremendous value for serious authorpreneurs.